Friday, January 20, 2012

So, You Created A Blog. How Original. Now What?

Good question. Luckily, I have an answer. But I suppose that's what's expected when you pose a question to yourself, otherwise, what's the point of asking?

"What about rhetorical questions?" you ask.

True, people do ask themselves rhetorical questions, but even in those cases, an answer in some form or another is expected.

"Can't you do anything right?" you might ask yourself.

"Why yes, I can!" you proudly reply back to yourself.

"Prove it," you demand.

"Fine," you say. "I will. I can ask a rhetorical question to myself, and provide an answer! There! I proved it!"

"Touche," you respond. "You had me worried."

"Not as worried as the rest of our family seems to be right now," you laugh. "Take a look at them. For some reason, they're staring at us with the weirdest looks on their faces!"

"Don't worry about them," you reassure yourself. "They're a little nuts. Let's sing a song. Something bouncy, with a good two-part harmony!" *

You obviously see where I'm going with this, (and when I say you, I mean you the reader, not you the imaginary version of myself that I speak to when no one else wants to talk to me. Just felt that needed to be clarified.) This is all heading toward the expected answer to the question posed above:

So, You Created A Blog. How Original. Now What?

I plan to write things on it.

Good things, hopefully, but that part is really up to you. If you like it, you'll come back. If you don't, well, I wish you'd still come back. The last thing you read and hated could have been only an anomaly. Everybody has a bad day. Geez, give me a break, will 'ya?

Some of you (the reader ~ I don't really have to go through this every time, do I?), may already follow me on Facebook and think, "Why should I follow the blog, too?" Again, another good question, and thank you so much for asking. I was hoping someone would get around to this. In addition to saying hi to friends and family, my Facebook page is dedicated more to news gathering, and making smartass comments about newsmakers.  The blog is intended to be more about my extended musings. Yes, I have extended musings. And they need an outlet. I know this because after ten or fifteen minutes of talking to people in person, they invariably tell me, "Please! Find an outlet for your extended musings!"

I have. And this is it.

I hope you like it. If so, tell your friends, and check back often. I hope to have something new added every day.

* Based on a true story. Or so I've been told.

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